About FuseDSM
FuseDSM is a private, not-for-profit business member organization,
aimed at fostering economic development and growth of member businesses and the Des Moines community. Your Chamber Of Commerce offers a broad spectrum of benefits and services to its members, including:
- New business contacts
- Referrals
- Publicity and exposure
- Business information and resources
Feel free to contact us to become more involved by joining a committee or specialty group, attending our events, and more.

Our History
In January 2011, the East Des Moines Chamber and South Des Moines Chamber combined efforts and resources by offering joint membership. For the next two years, the Chambers worked together to provide enhanced benefits to members through goal-driven committees, programs to support member business needs and a full calendar of events. Following a recommendation from the East Des Moines Chamber and South Des Moines Chamber Boards of Directors in January 2013, members voted and approved to join organizations, forming one chamber: Des Moines East and South Chamber of Commerce. Merging to one chamber allowed the organizations to combine Boards of Directors and more efficiently and effectively meet the needs of its members. The combined Board of Directors developed a long-term strategy to ensure the Chamber positions itself to meet the needs of all it’s members in East and South Des Moines.
Five years later in 2017, another opportunity presented itself to grow our community of passionate and authentic business owners with the integration of the northside of Des Moines. We knew it would become a bit of a mouthful if we just added the north to our name so we rebranded ourselves to eliminate the borders that define most chambers. We did this so we could move forward into the future as one chamber ready to ignite business growth for everyone as FuseDSM, Your Chamber Of Commerce.

FuseDSM is led in partnership with in-house staff, our Board of Directors, and of course member involvement and input. Members of the Board focus on the development of Board policies that govern the implementation of institutional plans and purposes. The role is separate and distinct from the role of the staff, to whom are delegated the implementation of these policies.
FuseDSM Staff

Lisa Treptow
Director of Memberships and Events
Lisa thrives at connecting your business to the community through creative event and marketing strategies that enhance your brand identity throughout Des Moines.

Anne Triplett
Manager of Office Operations
Anne is the chief organizer of all things FuseDSM and is dedicated to making sure all things are running smoothly and efficiently.

Leisa Fox
Director of Programming, MakeDSM
IT and Marketing Team

Sarah Oyibo
Digital Marketing
Sarah, owner of Studio Delta Designs, manages the FuseDSM social channels and helps businesses and organizations connect with their audiences more effectively online.

Dave Makin
IT and CMO
Dave provides FuseDSM with his IT and marketing direction. As a multi-award-winning marketing leader, and the owner of CMO To-Go, he is dedicated to helping Des Moines community brands grow authentically.